Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mrs. Webb's Class in the MS Dance Room

Hi there everybody this is your best friend Adam Daily blogging about our practicum Friends in Motion, where we get down with the Pre-schoolers and Kindergarteners!!!In this picture Will Robinson, Olivia Baughan, and Mrs. Bragg are playing boats and bridges with our fellow Kindergartners from Mrs. Webb's class. Boats and Bridges is a yoga game that  we play with the pre-schoolers and Kindergarteners.  In this game some people make the formation of bridges while the "boats" crawl through the "bridges" while music is playing.  When the music stops, the "boats" switch to "bridges" and vice versa.  This game really helps the children get physical exercise and interact with their fellow class mates and us middle schoolers.  This yoga expeirence really helps the children get closer to eachother and closer to us.  It also helps them express their emotions freely and completely.

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